During the period comprised between 2015 and 2018, the PhD on Innovation Pathways for TES (INPATH-TES) project received funding from the European Commission within the framework of the H2020 European programme (Nº 657466), with the main objective to create a network of universities, research centres and industries that would allow the implementation of a joint PhD programme in thermal energy storage (TES).
As a result of the European project, the INPATH-TES network, coordinated by the University of Lleida (Spain), was created with the main goal to foster cooperation between universities, research institutes, and companies from industry aimed at developing quality learning material to educate and train professionals in the field of thermal energy storage. The final results of this network will be the qualification of highly skilled specialists on this topic, able to meet the needs of research institutes and industrial companies.
Currently, the INPATH-TES network consists of 15 European universities and 2 research centres, most of them having been members of the INPATH-TES consortium during May 2015 to April 2018. Two types of membership have been established, as explained in detail below:

Core Members. Who have some privileges such as: free access to all the learning material, possibility that their PhD students be awarded the INPATH-TES label, priority and cheaper participation at training schools/conferences organised within INPATH-TES. On the other hand, the Core Members also have some obligations, such as the commitment to create, maintain, and update the learning material.
Associate Members. Who have the same rights as a Core Members, but no obligation with respect to the learning material.
The INPATH-TES network aims to expand by welcoming new institutions interested in cooperating in their main activities as a way to extend and enrich the impact of the activities that are being carried out by the network, and reach to a wider group of stakeholders. Any new institution interested in joining the network can do it as Associate Member, after approval by the Core Members. For more information or requests to join the network, please contact the network coordinator, Prof. Luisa F. Cabeza (greia@diei.udl.cat).