A unique selection of a total of 14 courses worldwide was developed by the network members tailored for a joint PhD programme on thermal energy storage technologies worldwide. Although the initial goal of implementing a joint PhD programme is currently not possible because of some barriers related to differences in the regulations in the different participating countries, an alternative approach based on joint supervision of PhD students, also known as co-tutelles, was adopted.
Applicants interested in enrolling in a PhD through a co-tutelle between two of the INPATH-TES participating universities are recommended to contact both universities and express their interest in advance. The network does NOT grant scholarships for PhD students enrolled in co-tutelles, although other funding possibilities may be available.
Please find here the responsible person at each institution member of INPATH-TES.
However, if you are not interested in enrolling in a PhD but you are willing to broaden your knowledge or get specific skills in one or more of the topics available in the INPATH-TES programme, you are kindly invited to register to one or more of the lessons developed so far