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Renewable energy policies – 1.5 ECTS

Renewable energy policies

Detail:This Lesson analyses the state of the art at the European level in the production and use of renewable energy policies. An analysis of the incentives to consumers, the policies to encourage the circular economy, and a parallel analysis of benefits and drawbacks, is made and presented. A survey and analysis of the incentives to consumers and the policies to encourage the circular economy, and a parallel analysis of benefits and drawbacks, was made. It is intended to identify the main forms of intervention and improvement, culminating in a reflection on how they should be applied in order to improve the expected results and make them more efficient and sustainable. This is intended to be an evolutionary framework of this concept, from the first stage of use of energy to its final utilisation.

Number ECTS: 1.5 ECTS
Price 75.00 450.00 

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