Theoritical and numerical analysis of multi-dimensional heat transfer – 1 ECTS
Detail:This lesson provides basic knowledge on the methods used in the analysis of heat transfer problems. In the first part theoretical (analytical) methods used for simple two-dimensional conduction problems are described. The method of separation of variable is discussed. This theoretical approach is used for the analysis of multidimensional physical processes, as well as for transient processes, with time as an additional independent variable. In this part the lumped capacitance method used in the analysis of specific transient case, is introduced. Also, an approach based on shape conduction factors, for the analysis of two-dimensional conduction problems, is presented. In the second part of the lesson the models of heat transfer through extension surfaces (fins) are presented with specific solutions for selected cases of fins, including temperature profiles and heat removed. The third part is devoted to numerical approaches, including Finite Difference Method and Control Volume Method. All problems (in all LAs) are illustrated with simple examples.